18.9 In-Progress

Holy crap.

The show is over.

NaNoWriMo begins in three days.

The hell scene characters have been satisfied enough by the awesomeness and closure of the final performance to leave me alone for the month of November.

And the wind is currently blowing at a million miles an hour outside my house as Sandy comes to visit.

The lights have flickered a few times, but I haven’t lost power yet. Here’s to hoping I don’t. Granted, I am on my laptop, which has three plus hours of battery on it, but if I lose power I think our wifi hotspot will get shut down. So hopefully that won’t happen.

And luckily it’s not a constant million miles an hour. It comes in gusts. It blows at varying speeds for about thirty or so seconds, and then there’s a calm of little to no wind for about another minute, and then it starts up again.

And it’s not even raining yet. Though that’s just in my area, I think. I know a few people farther north have lost power.

But hey, I’m just glad the storm waited until our show was over to come.

Anyway, that’s not the point of this post. That was just to show that no storm is going to stop me from writing.

Like I said, NaNoWriMo begins in three days. I have two and a half more chapter synopses to write and then those will be done. I will be writing first person past from Simon’s point of view and will be getting right up in his head like in the interviews I did with him.

At this point, however, I’m just glad that Lena and Devon are leaving me alone. I won’t go into details about the show yesterday, but I’ll just say it brought excellent closure to everything and I understood more about them and their characters and their story than I ever had before. I wrote all about it last night and now they’re not saying a whole lot except that what happened last night is how it’s going to be. And once I accepted that, they shut up, silently swearing to leave me alone this month.

So. NaNoWriMo.

In coming to the end of my synopses, I’m getting quite excited to write this story. I’ve got it all plotted out from beginning to end and everything in between, how characters act and how this happens and how that happens.

The awesome thing is in writing the specific synopses, I’m referring back to the full synopsis and brainstorming I had done back in September, and I’m realizing I forgot how awesome everything was. I’m reading things and laughing out loud because it’s so brilliant and I didn’t even remember coming up with it. Like at one point in the story, Simon sees a book that he hadn’t touched in the last week because of all the crazy hero stuff going on. And keep in mind Simon is a complete bookworm. A very irritable and snarky bookworm, but a bookworm nonetheless. So for him to not read a book in a week is a big deal.

He picks the book up, turns it over in his hands a couple times, and throws it at the wall.

But then, as he has a perfect memory, he remembers the last words he had read a week ago, so he picks it up again and settles down to read it anyway.

Just little moments I didn’t even remember coming up with.

It just makes me excited to write it. Excited to get back into his head. I’ve got everything planned out and prepared so all I have to do is refer to my synopsis and I’ll know exactly what needs to happen next.

Look, I don’t have a lot in the way of advice for NaNo, for any fellow NaNoers reading this blog. I have what works for me, which is extensive outlining and planning up to two months in advance and doing interviews with my character and answering 100 question sheets. But if that’s not what you do then I don’t have much to say. I just know I’m going to finish because I do NOT invest this much time and energy into a project without finishing it.

Good luck to everyone doing NaNoWriMo. I’ll keep you posted each week on how I’m doing. Let the games begin!